Laser Video

14.8° Three Arrows Laser Diode Module

This is a special shaped laser module. Connect the power supply and rotate the switch on the adapter, and a pattern of three arrows will appear. The light is clear and bright, soft and not dazzling. Ultra high brightness, universal in indoor and outdoor. Green/blue/red laser arrows are optional. Each laser module corresponds to a color. We can also accept customized other laser patterns. The actual effect of the three arrows shining on the wall:

1. Ultra high brightness, universal in indoor and outdoor.
2. The light is clear and bright, soft and not dazzling.
3. The shell is made of aviation aluminum-plated insulating paint that can not only fully dissipate heat but also resist shock, drop, and static electricity.
4. Imported laser diodes emit light directly with exceptional stability.
5. Intelligent driver board with imported IC, wide range power supply.
6. High temperature resistance, corrosion resistance.

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